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Our firm has over 25 years of combined legal practice – handling some of the toughest cases in the country. Get a risk free consultation today.
Other Areas
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Unlawful Restraint
- False Imprisonment
- Rape
- Statutory Sexual Assault
- Aggravated Indecent Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Arson
- Criminal Mischief
- Burglary
- Criminal Trespass
- Theft by deception
- Theft by extortion
- Retail Theft
- Endangering Welfare of a Child
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Personal Injury
recent case results
Poss. w/ Intent Philadelphia 1/13/17
Poss w. Intent Philadelphia 1/13/2017
Simple Assault Bucks 1/6/17
2nd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
Indecent Assault Philadelphia 12/2016
Forgery Bucks County 12/2016
3rd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
5 Days Jail
Firearm Carried W/O License Montgomery 12/2016
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania it is a crime to engage in Prostitution, Patronize Prostitutes and to Promote Prostitution of another.
Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual activity for as a business. This includes residents in a house of prostitution or a person who loiters in public for the purpose of being hired, to engage in sexual activity.
Patronizing Prostitutes the hiring of a prostitute or any other person to engage in sexual activity, or of going to a house of prostitution for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity. Both Prostitution and Patronizing Prostitute face the same penalties. The penalties for Prostitution and Patronizing Prostitutes are
- 3rd degree Misdemeanor for the 1st and 2nd Offense
- 2nd degree Misdemeanor for the 3rd Offense
- 1st degree Misdemeanor for the 4th and any subsequent offense
- 3rd degree Felony if the offense was committed by a person who knew that they were HIV positive or had the AIDS virus.
When sentenced for a 2nd and any subsequent Offense the Pennsylvania law mandates that the crime, conviction, and sentence passed, be published in local newspaper of general circulation, and that this publication be paid for by the person convicted.
Promoting of Prostitution is a 2nd degree Misdemeanor and is defined as knowingly promoting the prostitution of another, by; owning, managing or controlling a house of prostitution, by procuring a prostitute for someone else, or for transporting or providing for the transportation, of a person for the purpose of prostitution.
Promoting Prostitution is a 3rd degree felony if the person they are promoting for Prostitution is: Being intentionally caused to become or remain a prostitute; a child under the age of 16 years, whether or not they are aware of the age of the child; a spouse, child, ward or any person, for whose care, protection or support they are responsible; or a person who they knew was HIV positive or had the AIDS virus.
Our Location

1518 Walnut Street
Suite 807
Philadelphia, PA 19102

8510 Bustleton Ave,
1st Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19152

33 E. Marshall Street
First Floor
Norristown, PA 19401

2 Park Lane Suite
Suite 107
Feasterville PA 19053

1518 Walnut Street
Ste 808
Philadelphia, PA 19102